"The bird proudly willing to burn,
So that she may live again"

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What can't be undone

If I could, I would tell you that I wish I hadn't put so much pressure on you. I wish I had exercised patience and trust and allowed myself to be vulnerable instead of defensive. I wish I had simply shared my fears with you instead of letting them take over me and instigate attack. I wish I had trusted that time would show you who I am, instead of trying to explain myself and failing miserably. I wish I had backed off and let you do what you wanted without putting my two cents in left and right. I wish I had stayed centered and focused on my own life, had let you focus on yours, and just enjoyed your company and our time together. Although I acknowledge there is no way we could ever be happy together again, I am full of remorse for not making the most of it when we were given the chance.

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